Monday, July 11, 2011

BOOM and I was registred!

Hey guys!
We moved in to the townhouse today, had a great last night at the hostel as we saw the swedish soccer ladies win over Australia (good job!), tried some Melbourne sushi and had some beers at the hostel pub. Met some crazy Australians, still very polite and free speaking!

but we had an early morning and slept very little, about four hours or so but atleast I think we are strating to get the new days rythm... Funny side note: The moon is actually upside down here (more or less... alrigth it's on it's side but still!!) the pigions look like they are bleeding and we have a wierd bird living somewhere around our house. It's makes the sound of  "pippi pelikan" (an old Swedish show for kids).

This afternoon we checked out our surroundings in this new neibourhood and also the university we are going to attend! Very Big University indeed, I'm a bit nervous about going here as of now but hopefulle it will turn out allright... We went here just out of curiosity, no intent of registrating or so, but we went in the registration area and just before I knew it I was registred! Got a lot of papers and catalouges and pamplets and stuff so soon I'll be in class again.

we tried getting internet for our new house (can't beleive we're living in a house!) but with less luck, takes a couple of days before they activate it.. but soon we will be with real internet again!

If anything else happened? well no it's just been a day!!

Anyways cheers mates and i'll talk to you later!
Miss you guys at home, but the adventure has just started!

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