Sunday, September 25, 2011

Well now lets see whats been going on..?

Hi there! 

Last time I wrote I had just been diving and spring was right around the corner (if not already there..?)

anyways, the following week after that was pretty much studies and just hanging around, not doing much. I even remember the weekend as being without adventure. But I could be wrong, check out Andy on the other side of the world and see there (he blogs a lot more than I do).

The weekend after that though was VERY exciting, guess what: I'm now a certified advanced open water diver! Congratulations to me, thank you. The weather for that weekend was good, the forecast had promised better weather but what the heck, especially on sunday. The first day we did a underwater naturalist dive, basically an ordinary dive were you're pretty much just reminded not to mess up the nature down there. The second dive was a deep dive so we hade to go out by boat, took about 20-30 minutes to hit our destination. It was a bit windy and some waves that stirred up water making the sight very low, we had about two meters maybe three when we hit the bottom. We, guided by instructor Pete, descended to first 12 meters and then we followed the reef wall down to 26,9 meters depth. We did some exorcises there just to see if we were nitrogen narced, I wasn't *sad panda*. But anyway we ascended up to seven meters made a stop and then 5 meters and a stop for three minutes. At the surface we met up with the boat again and headed back to land :). The deep dive was actually, in my opinion, a bit scary, mostly because the lack of sight, two meters gets kind of creepy as when you look up and cant see the surface!

Anyway the following day had a lot better conditions, very clear sight, nice warm weather and good company of divers. This day we just did practical exorcises, navigation, peak performance bouyancy and search and recover, a long day of fun diving! Can't wait till next time and to go diving with my darling Carolina who's still back home, *sad panda*. Anyway all the dives went great and now I'm certified to go to deep depths if I want to and so on.

Didn't take any pictures of this trip, but again Andy did, check out his blog if you want to see how awesome it was ;).

The week after that (this one) was really dull, the weather was awesome, but I had to do assignments (still do) wich didn't go as good as I wanted but I feel that I should still pass. Oh and by the way, got my first A on a presentation that Sarah Fitzgibbons and I did, nailed it and got 95% (= A). Good job Sarah and me!

But the friday was awesome, we went on a field trip with the wine class to Yarra Valley, one of the largest winery areas here in Victoria (right?) well close to Melbourne in any case. Pretty famous area. Great nature, beautiful scenery and very VERY nice wines. I let the pictures talk for themselves for a bit :)

as you can see we had a great time (we drank a lot of wine, maybe like two or three bottles each ;)) 

Yesterday me and Andy walked to the shopping center, arrived before the bus we were thinking of taking there. We got some groceries and then got home. Exciting huh?

That evening we ate a family dinner here in the house, very nice :) we should do that more often!

Today I can only think of my love back home, miss you babe. She was the one who talked me into start writing here again :)

Anyway, thats all for now, take care and I'll try to write more often.

Lots of love

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Diving and that stuff!

what be happenin' brah?

I went diving in the weekend that past, have been waiting for that for so long and finally we (the reef club) went out on Mornington Peninsula for some nice saturday diving!

I met up with Jono at the club here at LaTrobe at 7 in the morning, which felt weird on a saturday, and packed the car with equipment. Later on me, Jono, Camel (Camilla from denmark) headed out towards Rye to meet up with the other divers. It was a sunny day and I saw a bit more of this country, it's beautiful on the country side ;). When we arrived we noticed it was quite rough water so we decided to dive close to the pier. I had some troubles the first dive as I didn't have enough weight on me and kept floating... Luckily Nat helped me out and went for some more weights for me so I could enjoy the dive a little bit more! We saw some seahorses, crabs and a small stingray (or the like, might have been another similar fish...) on this spot, even though we only had about 2 meters vision. A little bit frustrated over the weight issue, I couldn't wait for the next dive!

Before we went to the second dive spot we needed to refill our tanks and our stomachs.. we had some food in Rye, first time I tried a sausage roll... It was OK...
Afterwards we went to the second diving spot which was in Flinders. When we finally got in I got stunned by how far I could see down there! Felt like I could see everything, REALLY clear water. At this sight I saw some goatfish, seaweed dragons and some sunken parts of a ship or something... and quite a lot of fishing hooks and other garbage... 

Nat let the people who wanted to dive on sunday as well to stay in his grandmas house, of course I couldn't decline that offer!

We ended up drinking some beers around a fire, talking shit and having a good time ;)

On Sunday morning Nat made pancakes for breakfast... they were... OK.. but nice of him nonetheless!
We headed out to the southern side of the Mornington Peninsula, looking for some sharks. However the sea was quite rough so it took some time to get out to where we wanted to start our dive. When we finally got down there you could really feel the waves swaying us down there, pretty awesome! We swam around some corals and rocks, saw some small sharks, one purple and one yellow. But it was mainly the currents down there that was really cool about this dive. Getting up from there was a pain though. The waves pushed us around on the beach like silly and I got really sandy from it. Plus that there was a LONG uphill walk from there, and the equipment is pretty heavy... still, a very beautiful sight!

Before the last dive of the weekend, we refilled our tanks and got a little snack in our stomachs, we chose to dive a little further north of the first day of saturday. The anticipation could have been better, but the weather wasn't that good on sunday.. Anyway we chose to check out a "wreck" (an old small boat on the bottom...) and then check out if we could spot any big stingrays under the pier. The wreck was a bit disappointing, not much to see there and not that very clear in the water... a lot of sand and stuff floating around... But when we headed back towards the pier we met some really cocky crabs (easy to piss- and scare off) I sight hard to forget :) Under the pier we spotted crabs and seahorses everywhere, not to mention all the sea stars. Then finally I saw a stingray swimming under the pier, soo cool! It was way bigger than I thought it would be and it scared the living shit out of danish Dennis (also in the reef club) as it swam underneath him while he least expected it! (He was looking closely at a small sea star). We spotted it again as it swam back out to sea.

So even though I had low expectations of this dive, it was probably the funniest of them and a good one!

After that one we went home, I was beat and dead tired! 

In other news, spring is here some days and when it looks like this:

from our bedroom window, it's very nice ;)

Now I gotta get some stuff done... 

See y'all!